Blaine Sumner aka the Vanilla Gorilla
The Strongest Powerlifter of All-time.
World Record Holder in the Squat (1113 lbs)
Bench Press (904 lbs):
"This is the belt squat that I have ever used". It is the only belt squat where the weight travels free, not anchored by one point. So it's most natural and specific to squatting, and presents less shear stress to the back".

What some of the Greatest Powerlifters in History Have to Say:
Way better than anything I've ever used, Eddy Coan
This is by far the best belt squat apparatus for belt squats. Nothing comes close. Donnie Thompson
Unlike other belt squats, Squatmax keeps you glued to the floor and forces you to practice the same disciplines as a regular squat. Ray Ray "Optimus Prime"Williams
It is by far the best belt squat product to stimulate the squat and deadlift that there is. The difference being the direct vertical line of drive. Other lever and pulley belt squats that I have used either bother my knees or my hips- they are unnatural. Brian Carroll

Jay Butler
“I hate to share the benefits of this unique device with the competition but I think so much of it that I have purchased four for our facility. They have become an integral part of our training, both in-season and off-season. The ability to use an adequate load is essential to continually building strength. Using the SquatMAX-MD , I have no worries about axial loads on the spine or impingement of the shoulders. This is very beneficial with our many veteran players but is also great for novice lifters. It has a place at every level. I have used other versions of the belt squat and this model is without question far superior”

Dr. William Muscara
CHIROPRACTOR, Muscara Chiropractic, Conshohocken, PA
"The novel pin on guide rod technology is the best of both worlds, it allows the weight to move naturally but also keeps it well centered. In terms of protecting the natural curve of the spine, it is the safest hip belt squat on the market"

Rashid Bey
Philadelphia Big 5 Hall of Famer and Professional Basketball Player
"After the rigors of a 11 year professional basketball career, I am reluctant to include squats into my routine. This device made me want to squat again"

Steve Baldwin
Top Powerlifting Competitor in the 1980's
"I wish that this wonderful machine was available 48 years ago when I started training. I've tried it with all my clients and it is both incredibly effective and very safe! I have bought 46 machines over the years and the ease of assembly with the SquatMax MD is a thing of beauty! Assembling the SquatMax MD is so simple but the effectiveness of the machine has to be tried to be believed!"

Malcolm Marshall
IFBB Pro Bodybuilder
"Ive been doing this for a long time and I'm in awe that my hamstring are gone! I only did 3 or 4 sets and I feel them! This [squatmax-md] will be great for bodybuilders too and not just athletes! "